Michael Ormsby is a composer and producer from Houston, Texas.

The first singles from his new album are available to stream now.

Michael is a self-taught composer who learned by experimenting with various genres.

His music is a hybrid of modern-classical with jazz influences. Flowing between hopeful and inspiring to melancholic and foreboding. His dreamy atmospheric arrangements are ever-changing and captivating.

“Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony?”

“Leonardo DaVinci”

New Album Coming Soon!

Thirteen compositions, Ormsby’s new album is a colorful and dreamlike landscape filled with jazz inspired, modern-classical orchestration. Inspired by the history of aviation and space exploration, Michael strings together inspiring arrangements that fall thoughtfully on a wide spectrum of tones and colors.



From modern-classical influenced compositions to conceptual electronic soundscapes, Michael’s catalogue shows an artist in constant exploration.